If Black lives matter, does that include their babies? The solution to this culture of death in the Black community specifically, and America in general, is very simple. We need to reconstitute the family unit; meaning mother, father and children. These perverted variations of the traditional family unit will not restore our traditional values back to our community or our society. Study after study has shown that if you graduate from high school, get married, and then have children, you are almost guaranteed not to live in poverty. The traditional family unit is the solution to all the ills facing the Black community and America. But yet, the media appointed Black leaders and their radical liberal groups spend all of their time promoting homosexuality, amnesty for illegals, and Planned Parenthood. When have you ever heard the Congressional Black Caucus, the NAACP, or the National Urban League talking about the traditional family unit is key to righting the ship in the Black community? When have you ever heard the National Action Network, the NAACP, or the National Urban League talk about the family unit; or telling girls to keep their damn legs closed if they cannot financially afford to care for a child? How did the Black community allow the homosexuals to hijack our fight for Civil Rights? Their issue has absolutely nothing to do with Civil Rights. How did we allow media-appointed Blacks to put illegals ahead of their own community? Can you imagine willingly training someone who is going to take your job and agreeing with them that they have a right to take your job. To paraphrase Jay-Z, “Blacks folks got 99 problems, but homosexuality, amnesty, and Planned Parenthood should not be one.” We survived slavery, overcame segregation, and fought discrimination and are still standing. But, in order to restore the Black community, we must turn away from the media-appointed Black leaders. They have sold us out at every chance. Just imagine if we put the same amount of energy fighting for our own people and causes like we do for other groups. Just imagine if we took the energy we put into getting young girls to stop having babies before marriage; getting Black entertainers and athletes to hire Black C.P.A.s, publicists, lawyers, managers, etc.; getting Black churches to stop caving in to the radical homosexual agenda; and creating more Black entrepreneurs. We don’t need a law to make any of the above reality; but what we do need is leaders who cannot be bought off by those who have no concern for the Black community.